
Living Room "Before"

Other side of LR "Before".  I couldn't wait to see if there was brick behind the drywall so I had to send the crow bar in early to check it out! There was.  But that ended up coming down in the end, even though I LOVED the idea of having exposed brick between the living room and dining room.

Right after we got the keys I had to see what the original hardwood floor looked like, see the next picture below for the reveal.


Taking down the wall between the living room and dining room.  The original idea was to leave the fireplace going up between the two rooms and opening up both sides, but the fireplace wasn't functioning.  On top of it not functioning, it was taking up precious square footage, in the end she came down brick by brick.

This picture gives you an idea of what we were going for...

Lath, how I despise you. See all those strips of wood in beween the studs? That's lath.  I hate it. But is is fun to karate chop it with your foot when the time is right.

In removing the ceiling, the loose insulation had to come down.  Itch city, I tell you. I think I caught Lee scratching his arms in his sleep a couple of times.

 With drywall in!

 Floor going in!

Lived in!