Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Goodbye tile, hello kitchen cabinets...and a pretty floor.

For some reason...

That I can't quite figure out...

I keep getting sidetracked during this whole floor-laying process...

Flooring is quickly becoming my favorite project to date ;)

(I get way too big of a kick out of taking pictures of him when he has no idea that I am doing it)

We really are making some good progress, and I was able to squeeze in a few shots of that stuff as well!  A lot has happened since my last post.  We have finished the tile (grout and all) in both bathrooms.  It's hard to get a good shot with the small angles of the bathroom, but here are a couple pictures...

Before Grout in Bathroom 1:

After Grout in Bathroom 1:

(We still need to caulk around the tub, etc, but it's looking much more put-together these days with the addition of the grout)

Before Grout in Bathroom 2:

After Grout in Bathroom 2:

All the final fixtures have been picked out and ordered, so now we just need to schedule our plumbing "finish". That is when they will come to put in all of our sinks, faucets, toilets, etc.  They will also hook up our kitchen sink, and washer/dryer.  I guess that means a washer/dryer will be next our our "things to buy" list.

After we finshed up the tile, my mind was on kitchen cabinets.  We both took off the week between Christmas and New Years in hopes that it would be the perfect week to assemble and hang all of our cabinets.  So, in order to do that we needed to get on the cabinet situation.  That's where Ikea came in.  We headed up there around noon last Thursday, and we left around 9:30pm with this...

And that's it.  That is our kitchen!  Can't wait to show you the "after" shot on that one!!

On top of all that, here are a couple floor shots.  We started laying it in our bedroom incase we ran into any snags/learning curves. 

First we had to fill in the holes that were in our bedroom floor (from the closets that were there when we bought it):

Then we had to lay down the black stuff. I forget what this is for.  It's some kind of barrier for something.

Then we started laying the floor down:

With this handy-dandy nailing device (you just bop the little black knob thing with the hammer thing and it produces a staple that is virtually impossible to remove...which we learned first hand):

And here's a better shot of most of the bedroom floor:

And just like that, the bedroom floor is done. Hopefully the rest of the house will be laid by Christmas!

Speaking of Christmas...I hope you have a very merry one.  We totally slacked on Christmas cards this year, but we wish you a very, very happy holiday season and a healthy and happy New Year.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Flooring, More Tile, A Christmas Tree & Chalkboard Wall Fun

This morning before work, Lowes came and delivered our hardwood flooring.  39 boxes to be exact.

 Here's a little teaser of what it looks like...

We are pretty much in love with it.  We went to visit it at lunch just to remind ourselves of just how much we love it.  I just sit and stare at it for way longer than I probably should.  And then I picture everything that will go along with it, and end up staring at it some more before Lee finally snaps me out of my daydream and we go on about our day. 

On top of flooring, we have made some tile progress in the main bathroom. 


Bath Surround:

Lee even decided to get action shots of me this time around:

We still have to do the wall behind the toilet and sink, then do the grout (in both bathrooms), and theeeeen we can lay that beautiful floor I just showed you above!

And on top of all that, we decided to get festive.  Check out our tree...lol.

And if you couldn't tell, we I have been having so much fun with the chalkboard wall already.  Lee's family was in from MI over the holiday weekend so I put it to good use:

Notice my two little gingerbread men at the bottom...Adam and Evan stopped by to play :)