Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Naps, Good Food, and Netflix

Notice anything different?  I haven't done much on here in the last couple of months, but I did manage to change some colors around. 

And we've got some new wording going on!

We ain't no 2 year old married couple no more.  Psh. 2 years...that's old news.  3 years is where it's at!  Time flies when your having fun working on a big project.  Just kidding, it was kind of fun...sometimes...

3 year old couple.  101 year old house.  Can't wait to watch both of those numbers grow.  Wonder how long I will keep this blog to keep watching it creep up?  Hmm...

I haven't really known what to post lately since we haven't been working on many projects.  So instead of thinking about what to post next, I decided to just take naps.  Sometimes I nap on the couch, sometimes in my bed (do 3 hour naps count as naps?  Or is that into a whole different category?).  Other times I prefer the hammock...that is if Lee will share.

And if I'm not napping, I'm either cooking, or baking, or watching something on Netflix (Vampire Diaries, anyone?).   Wait, I can't leave out my Bachelorette addiction.  We even have a viewing party every week...Team Jef with one f!

Now that we've gotten a few weeks to ourselves, I'm itching to do something.  Good news for me...we have plenty to do.

1) The condo.  It looks like a bomb went off over there.  Since we had the luxury of moving at our own speed, we just kind of took what we wanted/needed at the moment, and left the rest. The result ain't pretty.  Out of sight out of mind is great...until it's not. Time to get moving with that, clean it up, and put it up for sale.  Anyone in the market for a cute one bedroom with an open floor plan, a pool and a park?!  Just let me know ;)

2) Remember the trim?  The trim that I LOATHED.  That I hated for every grueling minute of the cutting, sanding, priming, cutting some more, putting it up, caulking it and painting it? We still have a little more to do. **banging.head.on.desk.over.and.over**  We need to just get it over with or else it will never get done. 

3) My built-ins! For over a year I have had the vision in my head of what I want for my dining room.  It's perfect.  I'm in love.  And it's still not done.  So that will be coming soon!  It's the last big piece of the puzzle for the main part of our house, which is extremely exciting.  Hopefully there will be a blog post about that one coming very soon!

4) More built-ins, but for our bedroom closets.  I will take a picture soon of what our bedroom is looking like these days. It's pitiful, but one day will be better.

I have done a couple small projects lately, so maybe between those small projects and some bigger ones coming up I will have some inspiration to keep posting!

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