Greetings, Earthlings! Every now and then we look like this when we are working over at the house:
I know what you're thinking. Sexy, right? I couldn't agree more! Between all of the funk, dirt, dust, particles, etc. sometimes it's good to just cover everything up and go at it. Lee has been through many more of these suits than I have. Usually I'm cool with just letting myself get dirty to avoid the shame I feel when stepping up onto something and hearing a good rip down the leg. I tell myself it's because I'm tall...that's it, right?
I believe that Lee will soon be doing a post on the structural repairs, which is probably best to make sure you get accurate information. Until then, I thought I would show you what I have been wrestling (literally) that has me still sore on Friday from work I did on Tuesday night.
Directly in front of our porch is a funky little tree that shades a bunch of spider plant looking thingamajigs. 

Well, that didn't really bother me until I saw all of the landscaping cloth under the plants. I really have a hatred for that stuff. I tackled it in our other front garden bed last summer, and decided to tackle this space when I got to working the other night.
The bad news is, you would think this stuff were superglued to the ground. It is so engrained into the dirt, held down by tree roots as if they were staples, that after an hour and a half of wrestling the stuff from all different angles I gave up in defeat. I will continue again, with a shovel, some other day in the future (even though the landscaping is the least of our worries at this point).
This weekend should be jam packed with several small accomplishments. I can't wait to update you on them once we cross them off the list! Until then, we hope you have a fantastic weekend of your own!!